I Brand crowd (Asma khatoon)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Privacy Policy

Explains what information we collect and why, how we use it, and how to review and update it.

Terms of Service

Describes the rules you agree to when using our services.

Google Safety Center

Making products for everyone means protecting everyone who uses them. Visit safety.google to learn more about our built-in security, privacy controls, and tools to help set digital ground rules for your family online.

Google Account

Control, protect, and secure your account, all in one place. Your Google Account gives you quick access to settings and tools that let you safeguard your data and protect your privacy.

Our Privacy and Security Principles

We build privacy that works for everyone. It’s a responsibility that comes with creating products and services that are free and accessible for all. We look to these principles to guide our products, our processes, and our people in keeping our users’ data private, safe, and secure.

Google Product Privacy Guide

As you use Gmail, Search, YouTube, and other products from Google, you have the power to control and protect your personal information and usage history. The Google Product Privacy Guide can help you find information about how to manage some of the privacy features built into Google's products.

live news

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

  1. We've moved. Visit our new home for news and updates from AdSense

    Inside AdSense

  3. Google's official blog for news, tips and information on AdSense.
  4. We know one of the biggest challenges publishers currently face is designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes, resolutions and user experiences. You’ve been asking for responsive ad units to help you deliver the best possible user experience on your pages, and we’ve listened to your feedback. Today, we’re happy to share that responsive ad units are now available as a beta feature alongside our recently released asynchronous tag.

  5. The new responsive ad units allow you to support a wide range of devices by working with your responsive design web pages.  You can now dynamically specify the size of the ad that will be served, adapting it to fit the way your site renders a page on a particular device.

  6. As this is still a beta feature, here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  7. Be sure to specify fixed pixel values when setting the width and height of the ad to be served.
  8. Make sure that the specified width and height match one of our supported ad sizes. Please note that link unit sizes aren’t supported at the moment.
  9. The new ad code is responsive on initial page load only. Subsequent changes to the ad size, such as a screen orientation change, will not cause a new ad to be displayed. We know that this is an important feature for many of you and we’re currently working to address this. 
  10. Always set a default ad size in case some media queries aren’t supported.
  11. Step 1 - create a responsive ad unit

    1. Step 2 - modify the sample CSS media queries in the new ad code

    1. More detailed examples and steps to get started can be found in ouHelp Center. If you’d like to know more about responsive design, have a look at our Google Developers resource.

    1. Thanks for all of your feedback on responsive web design to date. Please do continue to share your suggestions so we can keep improving AdSense for you. Watch this space for more news and updates in the near future!

    1. Posted by Nick Radicevic -
  1. AdSense Product Manager


Monday, May 18, 2020

Brand crowd (Asma khatoon): Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today

Brand crowd (Asma khatoon): Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today: Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today While the government has announced that public transport and ride...

Brand crowd (Asma khatoon): Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today

Brand crowd (Asma khatoon): Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today: Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today While the government has announced that public transport and ride...

Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today

Daewoo Express Will Not Resume Operations Today

While the government has announced that public transport and ride-hailing services can resume operations from today (Monday) after meeting the necessary Standard Operating Procedures, the transport department has further announced a reduction in fares due to the fall in fuel prices.
  1. However, there seems to be a question mark on the status of intercity transport via bus with the private transport company Daewoo Express announcing that they won’t be resuming services from today